southey reports on dutch cats

Robert Southey, the English poet and adorer of cats, went travelling to Holland in 1825.  While there, he wrote home to his son, reporting mostly on his host's pet stork (I think I may post about that too).  He had this to add at the end, in order to inquire about the feline contingent of the family:

. . . My love to your sisters and to everybody else. I hope Kumpelstilzchen has recovered his health and that Miss Cat is well, and I should like to know whether Miss Fitzrumpel has been given away and if there is another kitten. The Dutch cats do not speak exactly the same language as the English ones. I will tell you how they talk when I come home.
God bless you, my dear Cuthbert.
Your dutiful father,
Robert Southey.

-- Colson, Elizabeth. Children's Letters: a Collection of Letters Written to Children by Famous Men And Women. New York: Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, 1905. p. 66.


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